Welcome to Arkansas Municipal Police Association
Formed in 1936, the Arkansas Municipal Police Association provides a strong voice for law enforcement officers. We focus on improving working conditions for police officers. We work to ensure fair disciplinary practices in the workplace. We strive for improvements in our retirement systems. We stand committed to providing a safer Arkansas for our citizens and our families.
AMPA News & Announcements
- 2023 Convention Pics Are Up - Check out the Photo Gallery to see who you recognize.
Go To Our Photo Gallery - Employment Opportunity - Criminal Justice Institute | University of Arkansas System now has an opening for a "Special Projects Coordinator and Curriculum Specialist".
Click to Learn More - Mountain Valley Armory: Great Deals on Guns and Ammo - Help welcome Mountain Valley Armory to our growing list of corporate sponsors. 500 Ouachita Ave in Hot Springs. Tel: 501-609-9595.
Why should you join or
renew membership with
the AMPA?
renew membership with
the AMPA?
Participation by you is a must if you expect to KEEP some of the perks that you enjoy now. Consider the 15 days vacation and 20 days sick time per year mandated at the state level.
These have to be guarded each yearto ensure they do not disappear.